A few weeks ago I received a text from my sister in law asking about if I had changed my name and how hard it was. Well the truth is I haven't changed it yet and there is no good reason except that I am lazy and I don't want a new license picture. I love my license picture, well as much as one can love their license picture but that isn't the point the point is the new comment my sister in law made. She informed me she wanted to change her name before March 17th...yes my brother (and I still myself) have an Irish last name. Whether we are truly Irish or not we can't be sure but I think the love for St. Patrick's day we had as kids is any indication we should 100% Irish. I love dressing in green and wearing fun shirts on March 17th so I decided to make my sister in law her own special shirt. A few ideas crossed my mind but I settled on this...
I started with a green v-neck from Old Navy and decided to jazz it up but I wasn't sure how exactly I would get a clover on the shirt. All the appliques I saw were not quite right so I went with a bleach pen. A bleach pen? I am not sure how I knew to bleach the shirt but I must have seen it somewhere and with a Google search I found exactly what I needed. The directions said to make a drawing in chalk and then use a Colorox bleach pen to follow the chalk drawing. I started with chalk but it was hard to draw with the chalk and to make a shamrock so I decided to go another route. I decided find a shamrock online and use it as an outline to trace with bleach.

The directions I found online stated it would take 10 mins to 2 hours for the bleach to set in. It only took about fifteen minutes for the bleach to set in on this shirt. I decided to remove the paper outline as I wasn't sure if the bleach seeping into the paper would start bleaching the shirt in the wrong areas.
After 15 minutes this is what I had....

As you can see the bleach worked really well. The next step was to wash and dry it however I was nervous that the bleach would spread when I washed it but it didn't.
Next I added another shamrock on one sleeve and some wording on the front. The directions for the iron on letters stated not to use bleach on the fabric so I decided to add the letters last. After he letters were ironed on I was done!
I am very excited to show this to the recipient - I really hope she likes it! Next on the agenda the project that was in stage 1 is now in stage 2!
Until next time...Stay Creative!!
I love it and can not wait to wear it. You're the best!!